Cowra Car & Bike Show
19th - 20th February 2005









For some reason, unbeknown to anybody, we arrived at 6:00am , well maybe a bit after 6:00am at McDonalds Dickson for the trek to Cowra. Loud music was required enroute to ensure that we stayed awake, for the 3 cars traveling up.

We made our way, via Boorowa, with the compulsory Corcoran pit stop. Arriving in Cowra we quickly found out where the nearest Car-lovers or equal was. It was a small carwash, but absolutely full of cars. We met up with Vish's ex-housemate, David, who would come in very handy later on in the day.

We registered, and got our covert operation to park in a special spot quashed. We parked the cars, and did a tour. There were 3 cars from the Riverina there, and a V8 LJ sports car.

Getting back, with not a great deal to do, David's car, which only otherwise looked like an innocent good looking VR Commodore wagon, turned into a Car Show Entertainment system, with DVD, large LCD screen, and surround sound. We sat down to watch Terminator 2. David's car drew heaps of people, especially the kids. I can see lots of Mum's and Dad's being nagged to death for the same set-up in the family car.

The rest of the day passed fairly uneventful, with the weather unbelievably hot.

Lj and Jamie turned up at around 2:00pm for a look. Lj, Jamie and Phil left for home some time before 4pm, while Trevor and I caught 40 winks (thanks for putting all the beer cans around me fellas! – good one). In hindsight, I think they knew something that we didn't.

We were getting ready to go to the awards, when Tony arrived and talked to us about all things Torana. He has another Yella (almost identical) at home, and was quite interested to catch up. Hopefully that will be another Yellow car in the future to combat the spreading epidemic of red ones! So watch this space for any awards, trophies, because we honestly have no idea on any of the results.

When we did get to the awards area, after they'd finished, we spotted Brad in Harley Davidson mode. He advised us of the new Torana, which is sounding pretty potent, so hopefully all will be revealed shortly.

The night rolled on, and the skies grew darker. We went to catch up on the entertainment and the wet T-shirt competition. The heavens decided to let go just after the start of the competition, and although undercover, the mixing equipment was located right under the edge of the roof. It absolutely bucketed down, and the sound equipment was knocked out, requiring a deal of improvisation by the organizers.

In the meantime, back at the cars, we were unaware that our tent had blown in. Trevor decided that only worse would follow, so Pat and Trevor took their cars and bedding to the livestock pavilion, which was absolutely huge, and set up there for the night, with ten or so bikers. Gary stayed in the resurrected tent, which would again blow in during the night, although I don't think Gary noticed. The night included more storms, with stacks of lightning, and at one stage, huge winds that even shook the livestock shed.

We grabbed the drenched tent, put it in the trailer, and headed for home. It could have been worse, we could have been one of the hundred or so bikers riding home in the rain. It was still raining, so our plans to look at the city sites did not eventuate.

The ride home was rather un-eventful, other than the roadworks just outside of Cowra (apologies for the dirty pictures). We arrived back in Canberra at around mid-day.

All in all we have been blessed previously with fantastic weather, we had to get a wet one sooner or later. Despite this, it was a very enjoyable run, just a bit different. The event was huge, with over $125,000 raised for a local Cowra Hospital group.

The Toranas, as usual, drew heaps of attention, and questions from the crowds. Phil's hatch was a particular crowd favourite.

Cars Attending:

Trevor & Gary – LH SL/R 5000 L34

Pat – LH SL/R 5000

Phil – LX Hatch

David – VR Commodore Wagon (Entertainment)

Lj & Jamie – LH/LX Torana

Report by Pat

© Copyright 2005 Canberra Torana Club Inc.