Combined run to Crookwell
23rd October 2011



CTC Combined run to Crookwell.

Sunday was our combined club run to Crookwell with the Ford GT, Mustang and HSV clubs.  The Ford GT club had kindly invited us along to the run.

The meeting point was 8.00am at the BP servo on Antill Street Watson.  I arrived at about 8.05am and there were already a heap of cars parked there.  It looked like there was going to be a great turnout.   Slowly but surely the cars kept streaming in and the servo was overflowing.  At a guess before we left there were 30 odd cars at the servo and it looked fantastic.

At just before 9.00am we all left the servo and pulled up on the Federal highway to arrange the cars for the trip.  The snake line of cars parked along the highway looked awesome, I reckon it would have stretched for a couple of hundred metres. Once there we had a brief run down from Tony (GT Club pres) on the day's proceedings.  Once the formalities were out of the way, we then all took off up the highway together.  First port of call was the big Merino in Goulburn where we were meeting up with another group of cars.

The trip up the highway was impressive, there were cars as far ahead and back as you could see.  It made for some great photo opportunities and several people took full advantage of this.  The thumbs up from the everyday cars driving past was great too.

After about an hour of cruising we hit Goulburn and the Big Merino car park.  We congregated there for about 15 minutes for a short coffee break while the second shift of cars arrived.  Once they had, we all took off for the 42km drive out to country Crookwell.  It had been about 10 years since I had been there and I forgot just how good the road out there was.  The drive there was very scenic with nice undulating, winding roads, just what the old cars loved!  The short drive took about 25 or so minutes.  We got into Crookwell and lined up at the showground gates.  Once we were all ushered in we parked our cars in the display area and set up for the day.  Once settled, the larger majority walked over to the swapmeet to see if they could find any bargains.  I ended up with an SLR hubcap for the shed wall.  I think the majority of club members walked out empty handed.  Some of the kids entertained themselves on the slot cars and others just kicked back under the shade of the trees.

The later part of the day was a good opportunity to stroll through and look at all the nice cars from the other clubs.  It was also an opportunity to have a chat with their respective owners.  The whole days was very relaxed and the weather was perfect.  What more could a person want!  The Lions Club had a stall selling snags and steak sangers as well as homemade cakes and slices which proved very popular with everyone.

At around 1.30pm the swapmeet started to be packed up and club cars from all clubs starting heading off back home.  The whole day was most enjoyable.  A big thanks to Tony for organising the run and inviting us along as well as the other two clubs.  He even suggested that we do it again next year.  Something definitely worth considering.  It was great to also share the day with the Mustang and HSV folks.

In total there were 37 cars on the run.  The CTC had 11 Toranas attend, the GT club had about the same and the HSV and Mustang clubs made up the remaining numbers.  A fantastic effort by all.

Thanks again to all for making it a great day.



CTC Run Co-ordinator

© Copyright Canberra Torana Club Inc.