Dyno Day

Hi all.

Yesterday was the annual club Dyno Day. This year we used the services of Jake Edwards from Jake's Performance.  A well known engine builder / turbo specialist and very successful drag car racer.

I was unsure of how many cars would turn up on the day but from first indications we would only have about 10 or so club members bring their cars along. So the lads posted up on Facebook for anyone else wanting to tag along to come down on the day. This proved very effective as we ended up with 23 cars in total which made for a long enjoyable day. Thanks to all those extra folks who made the effort to join us yesterday.  Was nice meeting you all and watching your cars run on the dyno. Some nice numbers produced from some of yours cars too.

As the boys took their cars for a run, the girls diligently ran the BBQ and keep the masses happy with a good feed of snags, steak and salads.  Thanks mainly to Tane and Jody for slaving away for us...we really do appreciate your efforts!

I think in total we had 10 Torana's run up. Some members also ran their daily drivers up too.

There were several classes for cars to enter into. So everyone had their eyes on the prize in their class.  I think the closest classes were the Holden 308 and 355 classes. There was also an open class where one of Jake's mates brought his big block 4 door LX Torana along and easily ran the highest number for the day.  And that was un-tuned with plenty more to come out from what the owner was telling me. His expectations were a low 8 second quarter mile pass once he had it all sorted. Something I could only ever dream off....The final results will be announced at tonight's club meeting as Gasweld.

Finally I would like to say a big thanks to Jake and Trojan Motorsports for allowing us to use their services.  The lads worked their butts off all day without a break to service our needs.  Hats off to you lads. Hopefully you get plenty back from us via members using your services to extract more horse power for the next time we hold a dyno day.  

So in all it was a very successful and enjoyable day. Good to see the 4 doors slay the hatches this year two. Just goes to show that 4 door taxis really are better than two door race cars!

See you next time, cheers, Gerry

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