Well today we decided to head indoors and test our racing skills. A
perfect run for a cold, wet Winters Day.
As usual there was a very good attendance of members and still half a
dozen enthusiastic Torana drivers brought their cars out regardless of
the inclement weather.
It was an early start with the masses meeting up at Old Parliament house
at 9.30am. At first it looked like a 'Green Torana Club contingent'
with every shade of Torana Green turning up. A short wait and we were
off to Fyshwick to get started. Our scheduled race time was 10.30am. As
we booked ourselves in, members started geeing each other up for what
was going to be a great day of racing.
In all I think the club spanned about 6 races ranging from juniors to
seasoned pros! And wasn't it competitive!! There were some really quick
drivers out there, and the kids surprised a lot of the older folks too.
I think some of the heavier members were wishing for handicaps as they
had more weight to pull against the lighter more agile fraternity. But
the larger folk held their own in the second race and proved that skill
overcomes weight handicap!
All in all it was a fun day and everyone left with a smile on their
dial. Good to see so many members and their families turn up.
Looking forward to the next run already.
Cheers., Gerry
CTC Run Co-ordinator