Wollongong Show
24th June 2007
We headed off from Dickson 6.30 am on a very cold winters morning.
Fog most of the way to Goulburn and an accident both sides of the highway
due to the poor visibility.
The show had it best turn out in years and the organisers we forced
to close the gates early to entries on the day.
The venue was well catered and the weather was sunny early in the day
and threatened showers late in the day. A few of us Canberran’s
had to put the coats away as the weather was a bit too warm.
The quality of the cars was great and company was good. Trevor supplied
some lollies for the big kids in the late afternoon which was great.
The plan was to stop at Robinson Pie shop on the way back but half
of the folk from the show had the same idea so we kept driving. A cold
beer and some cashews finished the day off at journeys end and a great
day ended.
Cars Attending:
Craig & Gerry – VY Wagon
Lawrie & Callum – VT
John & Ben, Debbie & Josh – LJ 2 Door
Mark & Kim – SS Hatchback
Trevor, Marrisa, Jason & friend – L34 SLR 5000
Phil, Rick – VR Commodore
Steve & Mike – VK Calais