McHappy Day
Saturday 13th November 2010
CTC 2010 McHappy Day Saturday 13th November was our annual charity fundraiser day. We had arranged to display the club cars at McDonalds in Queanbeyan to help raise money for McHappy Day. Members started arriving around 9.30am and already it was very steamy. It looked like we were going to have the perfect day weather wise. After setting up the club trailer and marquee, members started "shaking the bucket" to collect donations from on lookers of our cars to raise money for this great cause. There was a lot of interest from on lookers and it wasn't long before the car park was full. Even patrons of the opposition (KFC) wandered over to have a look at our cars! We had visits from Victor the Viking, the Fire Brigade and also a couple of the Brumbies. It was great to see so much interest and generosity from the public on this great day. I would like to say a big thankyou to the owner of the Queanbeyan McDonalds store for letting us display at his venue. As they are a great sponser of our club it was a pleasure to be able to help out! Also a big thank you to the staff from McDonalds who provided club members with refreshments during the day which was greatly appreciated. All up the club was able to raise $370 for Ronald McDonald House and presented the owner with the funds raised. In all it was a great day. All up we had 8 Toranas turn up and display, which is a really a great effort considering this run was on a Saturday, and given that a lot of members had other commitments such as work and kids sport. Thanks heaps guys and gals for making the effort to come out and help raise money. It was a great result for both the club and charity. Looking forward to next year already! Cheers, Gerry Run Coordinator. |
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