South Coast Nationals

26th and 27th of August 2006


Well, another good weekend down the coast. The South Coast Nationals this year boasted a general increase in car attendance over previous years. There was a vast array of fine fettle on display ranging from Chevs, Holdens, Fords, the odd dare I say it, Easy Squeezey Japanesey! (Honey the rice is cooked!) and of course the mighty Torries.

There was no Dyno this year but the Burn Out Pad was working well with an unbelievably angry Cortina showing most how to do it.

I for one was expecting vast improvements in the venue from last year where if those who attended would remember it as a dust bowl. Instead this year it was bordering on being a mud bath.

While this is a good show in terms of cars on display etc, I really think they need to do something noticeable about the venue. I guess it all comes down to the mighty dollar.

Some of the members left on Friday afternoon arriving about teatime at the coast while others left on Saturday and some as late as Saturday evening.

On the way down we came across a pretty nasty accident near the Clyde where a small car had tangled with something that had created extensive damage to the rear end. Apparently there were passengers in the back of the car when the accident happened and Ambulances were in attendance. Lets hope everyone came out OK.

It was a bit of an eventful weekend by all accounts.

Gerry celebrated his birthday on Friday and so we caught up with him and Belinda at Barlings beach for a few drinks. From everyone at the club - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE!

John had a bit of trouble with his LJ and had to change the motor on Saturday evening before heading off. Thanks to Laurie and Phil they were able to get a new motor in in time for John and Stacey to make the coast by late Saturday night. We met up with them at barlings beach for a couple with Gerry & family and then headed back to the Bay where Paul & Alan were staying for a display of Roman Candles on the beach thanks to Laurie. (great show)

Next day everyone met up at the car show to chat about the vehicles on display and their thoughts about the weekend.

Unfortunately with a lot of club cars off the road at the moment, only two club cars actually entered the event. This was Trevor and Sam. Although we did have one car from Wagga join us.

Thank you to the following members for their attendance and support.

Sam & friends - LX
Trevor - SL/R 5000
Denise, Tyrone & Lincoln - LH (Riverina Toranas)
Phil - LX Hatch
John & Stacey - LJ 2 Door
Gerry, Belinda and family
Maree, Steve & kids
Paul, Callum & Rowan
Jeremy, Shirl, Cody and Brock

© Copyright 2006 Canberra Torana Club Inc.