Sunday 16th February 2003
Laurie & Pat with the new CTC banner [Enlarge 640x480] |
Jan preparing for the show [Enlarge 640x480] |
Amanda's SL/R [Enlarge 640x480] |
Club Prez, Laurie! [Enlarge 640x480] |
Laurie's A9X [Enlarge 640x480] |
Phil's LX Sedan [Enlarge 640x480] |
Alan & Jan's LH SL/R 5000 [Enlarge 640x480] |
Ron's Race XU-1 [Enlarge 640x480] |
Trevors LH L34 [Enlarge 640x480] |
Vish's LX Sedan [Enlarge 640x480] |
L34 & XU-1 Torana's [Enlarge 640x480] |
Shannon's Wheels Expo 2003 Run Report.
It was an early start for our 8:00am rendezvous in Braddon,
at the end of Londsdale Street. Phil was a surprise arrival, arriving
2 minutes prior to the rendezvous time. Trevor joined us in his red L34
while we waited for Vish to arrive. Some things never change! We all checked out the Trevor's L34, till there was a flash of red from the West! It was Vish! We rolled out and down Lonsdale Street at around 8:30am. We arrived at Rugby Park around the corner to an absolutely packed oval! We parked with the intention of regrouping the cars after, but somehow a plan quickly developed, and before you know it, bodies sprung from all the cars, and furiously went to work setting-up! The most immediate task at hand to furl the new banner for it's inaugural public debut! Before you knew it, we had the table set-up with our business cards, and Club propaganda to sway the ensuing crowds into joining our club, whether they had a Torana or not! Hell, we'd even take Ford drivers if we had to! Once it was all set up, we all sat back and watched Laurie polish his A9X and Lj polishing the LJ. By this time, the worms were biting, and we decided to head out in search of the free breakfast that you get with your ticket! No free breakfast was to be found. Things started to get desperate when we asked an official and found out that he had not been provided with breakfast either! Desperate times call for desperate measures, so we sent a possie to raid the local McDonalds in search of Bacon & Egg McMuffins. As there was no chance of getting the cars out, they had to McWalk. The day largely passed, with many people taking an interest in the Torana's, and the odd walk around the field by CTC members to check out the other cars on display. Sadly, no Ferraris or Lambroughinis, but plenty of Porsches (Imported Commodores). The choice cars for the day was the chassis for the Pie Truck (what there was of it!), and some poor old car pulled out of a paddock somewhere prior to restoration. What a mess! Laurie wooed ex ACT Minister Wayne Berry, and discussed at length with him the Canberra International Dragway. We are awaiting reports of how he went getting him as a member of the club, and whether or not he was successful in convincing him into doing up an LJ as a fully tubbed, sub 10 second drag car as a project. About 11:30am, Pat whipped out his suitcase from the boot, which transformed into an Unleaded Petrol fired BBQ in minutes. Before we all knew it, snags were cooking away on the BBQ, and we broke for lunch, much to the dismay of adjacent car enthusiasts! I think we were the only ones with hot food in the whole park. Pat's compact BBQ was declared by those present to be officially renamed the CTC BBQ. Ominous weather saw a lot of people head off early, but we had tickets in the final raffle damn it (We could have done with a heavy duty tow rope!), and we weren't moving for no storm! Needless to say, our vigil was in vein! Despite rumours that Pat may have a winning ticket, resulted in E54 being the winner, not E64. When it was all said and done, we decided to pack up and leave! So we did! Nearly as fast as we had set-up, all the gear was packed-up, and we headed off. Surprisingly, no drip trays were left behind. All in all a good day was had by all, and we all did tremendously well in letting the world know that we exist. It was pleasing to see so much interest from the public in the Ranas. Special thanks for the day to our local racing champ Ron Shepherd. He was only going to stay for half an hour, but ended up there the whole day, catching up with lots of old mates. Pat Cars Attending:- Alan, Jan, & Lj Harriet, with Ben - LH Sedan
& the LJ |
© Copyright 2003 Canberra Torana Club.