Supercheap Tuggeranong Display
Saturday 23rd September 2006
Run Report for Supercheap Auto Display – Saturday 23rd of September 2006 It all began at about 7.00am on Saturday morning trailering Callum's car down to Supercheap and then going back home to collect the club trailer. Trevor was already there with his L34 brightly polished and gleaming in the morning sun. By about 8.20am we started to set up the Display and Sausage Sizzle as other well hung chariots arrived such as Brett with his 427 powered A9X and Gerry in his SLR 5000. All gave a hand to marshal the cars into place and set up the BBQ etc. The cars looked awesome lined up the concourse. Unfortunately our el presidenti! Trevor had to work on Saturday and could not be there for the whole day. He passes on his apologies. However, our own Maree stepped up to the plate as Vice president and represented the club amiably. The Torana Club Recovery Crew ( Pat, Cal, Phil) worked hard to drag cars out from the depths of Chisholm and Kambah to ensure member’s cars were represented. A special thanks to Pat for hanging back at the end of the display to give Paul and Cal a hand trailer all the members cars back home again. The day was a little breezy but the sun was shining which made up for it. We thought of putting up the gazebo for a bit of shade however given there were no anchor points handy and judging by the breeze, we didn’t want the place to resemble the makings of a New Orleans documentary. To use Craig’s words there were a “Plethorific Kaleidoscope” (heaps) of cars on display. We had LX & LH sedans, an L34, SS & Standard Hatches, Genuine SLR 5000’s a HB Drag car, an improved production LJ racecar, 2 A9Xs and a Seton A9X. Oh and I nearly forgot Al’s sun-budgie. Ooooooooeeeeeee What a gem! As the morning wore on the crowd numbers increased. The cars generated a great deal of interest as usual and local mechanics and retired engineers from around the place had heaps of comments and questions regarding the 4 - wheeled beauties. Some of the stories sounded a bit tall however it was good to have a chat. I stepped back a few yards at one stage to take in the whole display area. You know, there was not a club member to be seen who was not in deep conversation with a person from the general public talking about the cars. A great effort folks! The club generally brought interest from a number of people also. In all, I think Al gave out about a dozen or so application packs. The girls (Jan, Maree and Amanda) as usual manned
the BBQ and did a fantastic job of running the sausage sizzle. (Thanks
Girls!) They were ably assisted at times by other members such Gerry,
Cal, Rowan Craig, Pat and others. Thank you to those who did chip
in and help on the BBQ, it gets pretty boring having to do it all
the time. Your efforts folks were not unnoticed. Also a special thanks
to Jan for organising the drinks, sauces napkins etc prior to the
Display. The following members won prizes 1. Trevor and his L34 Well done guys!
Some of the members wrote: “ Excellent Attendance. Good show and quality Toranas! A good day had by all with plenty of tall stories told. Thanks to the club for trailering my car.” “A great turn out. I think 20 cars in all. Had a turn on the Barbie cooking and ate plenty too! Supporting the club I was :-) Great to see the club return to its former glory keep up the good work!” “ Paul. Thanks for the complimentary
sashes of Carnauba Wax. Freshly squeezed I hear” “A Kaleidoscope of Colour! Most models represented including some very original cars. …………..The members met the challenge.” “About time we saw the members and their cars out there! Great job Canberra Torana Club! A great event.” “Well what can I say? This was probably one of the best club show & shines I’ve ever been to. The day was absolutely fantastic. It was a real credit to every member of the club. Lets do it more often. YaaaaaaHooooooooo!” I think the comments above from some of our members say it all. A really good day and I have been informed a club record in terms of member cars on display. 20 cars in total showed up on the day. We could not have expected any better. It’s the support like this from members and the committee that really makes my job worthwhile. Each and every member should give themselves a pat on the back. You have proven it is still one of the best car clubs in the country to be in! Before I close. A special thanks to Calwell Quality Meats for there contribution on the day as well as Supercheap Auto for supplying the Meguiar’s wax samples, prizes and hosting the event. More great events on the way! The club would like to thank the following members for their attendance and support. Trevor – SLR 5000/L34
© Copyright 2006 Canberra Torana Club Inc.