Tarago Pub Run
13th April 2014

Tarago Loaded Dog Run

On Sunday the club took a leisurely drive out to the Loaded Dog Hotel in Tarago. Personally I don't think I have ever been there.  Well what a lovely place to visit.

We all met up at the Eagle Hawke Motel eager to take the nice drive out to Tarago via Macs Reef Road. In all there was about 25 of us so a good turn out on what looked like was going to be a pleasant drive and day.

The drive took about 35 minutes and indeed was very nice and trouble free. The condition of the roads was surprisingly good and very conducive to Torana style driving.  We arrived on time at the Hotel at 12.00pm, and lined all the torana's up on both sides of the roads. The owner shortly came out to great us and take some snaps for his collection.

Once we were all settled, the Torana families took turns to order their lunch.  The menu looked fabulous which made it hard to choose your meal.  Anyway, we all did manage to order something nice and let me tell you, all the meals looked fantastic when they arrived. I don't think there was an unhappy camper amongst the ranks food wise! And the beer and soft drinks went down well also.

The afternoon was a leisurely one with the sun shining nicely in the beer garden where we were all gathered. After the meals and a couple of refreshing drinks, it was said by many that an afternoon siesta would have been lovely....

In all, the day was very pleasant.  The staff of the Loaded Dog were very welcoming and appreciative of our visit. Definitely a place to come back to.

So with the clan all feed, and the afternoon slowly disappearing, folks decided it was time to take the winding road home.  Apart from some country - Sunday style drivers on the road, the drive home was as pleasant as the drive in.

Thanks to all those that made the effort to attend the run. And a big thanks to the owners and staff of the Loaded Dog. What a great venue and day.

Ps, just a best wishes to Linda too as she has recently hit a bump in the road.  I am sure things will go your way Linda.  We are al thinking of you!

Cheers, Gerry

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