We all met up at Shell EPIC for a 7.00am departure. There were 3 torries in all travelling up in convoy, Mick and Donna in the LJ, Craig W and Craig B in the LH 5000 and me and Brett R in my hatch. Brad and Shelly accompanied us in a VR Club sport wagon. Paul H, Lawrie, Steve and Helen followed close behind in their Cross 8 wagon. All fuelled up we took off with our first stop to be at Pheasants Nest for a refuel. The drive was very leisurely at a steady 110kph.
Once at Pheasants Nest we fuelled up. I was most impressed with only having used 34 litres, not bad for a staunch 308 running 3:36 gears and a 4 speed. Craig used the same amount in his 5000 and Mick used bugger all, the advantage of fuel injection and a 5 speed in a light car. A quick pie and sausage roll and we were off again.
As we entered outer Sydney we made sure we had our E-TAGs ready for the tolls along the M7 and M2. The cruise through Pennant Hills Road wasn't too bad as we had missed peek hour traffic. Once onto the F3 we were on the final leg of the journey. Apart for the roadwork's for about 10kms or so, the trip along the F3 was quite enjoyable.
Coming into Newcastle we nearly lost our bearings. We couldn't quiet recall which way to go. As it turned out we did get it right and it all came back to us with familiar land marks.
Once at the Motel we prioritised things and got a coldie out. Not bad for 11.30am and it tasted great. So in all the journey took 4 and a half hours from Canberra with the one fuel stop. A really easy run! We decided on a quick wash and clean of the cars to make things easier for the following morning. Many of the boys went out on a cruise through Newcastle to view the sights, we were enjoying the beer too much to take the risk of going!
After unpacking the socialising started and the beers and bourbon flowed. We were treated to a BBQ dinner organised by the Hunter Valley Torana Club. It was a buffet set up with plenty on offer. The crowd at the Motel was huge and the line up for food was long but worth the wait. The HVTC had also arranged for a gathering of special guests. In particular Harry Firth and Colin Bond, both of which made impressive speeches. Todd Martin kindly MC'd the night. The night couldn't have been any better, I couldn't help myself and was already buying memorabilia.
Sunday morning came round and we were up and getting organised to travel out to the foreshores. A little bit dusty form the night before we decided to get a quick bite to eat for Brekkie at Macca's and we all headed out to the foreshores for the show. Once there we were all ushered to our allocated parking areas. Again the organisation by the HVTC was excellent! As arranged, our three Toranas' were joined by Paul in his tidy Persian Sand LX, Peter S in his immaculate Palais White A9X 4 door, Alan in the Tangerine Dream and Keith in his 5000. All up we had seven cars representing the CTC.
Once set up we did an early walk around of the cars. The number of cars seemed to continue to increase. In all there were over 240 cars on the day. It was a sight to behold for us Torry lovers! We all took plenty of pictures and filmed as much as we could. We also had out raffle tickets up for grabs. It was obviously a good event to be selling them as most entrants were Brocky fans and all had their eyes on the main raffle prize!
Come lunch time a few of us headed down to the Warf for lunch and a beer or two. Always a good thing after walking around all day in the sun. After heading back we were just in time for the major trophy session. Paul was lucky enough to pick up the encouragement award which brought a smile to us all as it is a fair effort to take home a trophy at such a big event. Well done mate! Once the event wound up, we all headed back to the Motel. We all agreed to go out for dinner and have a nice meal. It completed what was seen as the perfect day! Back to the Motel for another beer, bourbon and red wine session.
The next morning came around quickly and the next thing we knew we were on the road back home. All very tired, but a huge smile on our faces from such a great weekend. It is always great fun travelling up and hanging out with Torry nuts! Again the accommodation was great, the people were friendly and the event was a great success. Many thanks go out to the HVTC for organising the best event for Torana lovers! The CTC will be back in force next year with a lot more cars as many of them should be ready after undergoing major rebuild and restoration!
On personal note, thanks to all our club members/guests for making the effort to come up, I am sure next year will be bigger and better. I really enjoyed the company and good friendship! Gerry!
Craig W and Craig B - LH 5000
Mick H and Donna - LJ 2 door V8
Peter S, wife and kids - LX A9X 4 door
Gerry and Brett R - LX hatch 308
Paul (Zook) LX 6cyl 4 door sedan
Alan (Herne), Danny - Tangerine Dream LX 4 door
Keith - (White Knight) LH 5000
Paul H, Steve B, Helen B and Lawrie (Club President) - Holden Cross 8 wagon
Brad, Shelly - VR Clubsport wagon.
© Copyright Canberra Torana Club Inc.